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Showing posts from March, 2019

Festival House Of Tolerance, Ljubljana, Slovenia

As a part of 5th Festival House Of Tolerance the Tolerance Poster Show opened on March 21st. A number of the posters were displayed on the buildings of the Mini Teater where the festival was happening and the other posters were displayed in the nearby square.          

Tolerance Poster Show in the Dominican Republic Part 2

During the month of February and for the second time in less than a year Chavon the school of design affiliated to Parsons the New School for Design presented on its campus in the city of Santo Domingo the Tolerance Poster show . This show will hold a number of new posters as well as the inclusion of posters from the last show. I would especially like to thank Adolfo Lucero, Vice President of the school, because it was his idea to create a second rendition of the show.